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Medical Billing & Collection Services - Complete Outsource Solutions

Procare RCM Billing Services provides professional, expert medical billing, collection, and administrative services for medical practitioners. Whether you require a complete turnkey billing service from start to finish such as our Procare RCM Billing Process or just need temporary staffing our experienced medical billing and collection team is sure to impress you.

Not all billing services are suited for all customers. We would like to assist you in any way possible, so our first step is always to determine what type of services you need and what is important to you. Then we can decide what solutions are best for you. Listed below are some of the services and processes we offer.

Accounts Receivables Collections and Consulting

Medical providers usually have large sums tied up in ageing accounts receivable and unacceptably high write-offs; with insurance compensations far below what is expected – and deserved. We provide expert consulting and/or services for medical Accounts Receivables. We can work your aging reports to collect monies owed to you or just analyze your receivables issues and recommend processes to dramatic ally increase collections.

Medical Billing Consulting Services

We offer a wide array of consulting services to meet each practices needs. We routinely advise clients on how to efficiently integrate software solutions into the billing environment and ensure that best practices and HICFA mandates are followed.

We also offer:

Medical Coding & Claim Reimbursement

Medical coding is a fundamental aspect of maximizing claim reimbursement. The proper knowledge of medical coding and reimbursement methodologies enables providers to receive the correct and maximum reimbursements available. We assign the correct ICD-9, CPT, and/or HCPCS codes derived from the medical records and reports from your practice. Our Medical Coding Specialists generally have several years of clinical experience in an array of medical specialties, and are CCS-P and/or CCS credentialed.

Medical Coding Audits

We analyze your medical records and previous coding to ensure that your documentation supports submitted codes in case of audits.

HIPAA Compliance and Consulting

Healthcare data security is not only critically important it is the law. Procare RCM has implemented numerous security measures to help ensure that your data and processes are absolutely secure, and in full compliance with all HIPAA guidelines on security and privacy.

Discover how we can improve your Revenues

Contact us now at Procare RCM (+1) 856-485-6635